My brand new epic fantasy novel, The Water of Awakening, is launching tomorrow. The paperback is already on sale (so you can get it in time if you want the physical copy – and of course you get the ebook free with a physical purchase). For a limited time I’m going to give away the release copy of the book EARLY. All you have to do is join my mailing list (which is focused on my books, and has more giveaways and freebies from authors besides me) to get free access to whatever format you like (including the print pdf, so you can see what my book design is like).
love fantasy and have been enjoying your youtube videos, so I’m intrested in seeing how this book fairs
It just left free on Amazon for the last time for awhile, but make sure you’re on my mailing list ( and there will be more promos/free editions of the book, particularly once I am releasing the sequel. Thanks for stopping by!