How-to-play series

Each of the following series details how to perform and practice a particular piece of music. These are at the moment mostly by rote and you will have to find your own copy of the music. (page under construction)

Guiliani – Allegro in Emin – a classic intermediate level study broken down to right hand technique and left hand placement

Guiliani part 1

Guiliani part 2

Guiliani part 3

Guiliani part 4

Guiliani part 5

Villa-Lobos – Etude 1 – a classic advanced level study that can be played as a prelude to Heitor Villa-Lobos’s “Cinque Preludes” (five preludes) or as a stand-alone piece. I break it down into its parts – right hand pattern (with several possible fingerings) and the chord series in the left hand, with a few breaks.

Etude 1 part 1

Etude 1 part 2

Etude 1 part 3

Etude 1 part 4


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