Basic Classical and Flamenco Techniques

Basic Techniques: Classical and Flamenco (these are some of my earliest videos). The first series covers all the major techniques used in classical and flamenco performance. Later videos detail  progression in the Sagreras method. Eventually this section will be very large.

Basic Techniques. I recommend you watch each of the following videos sequentially before beginning practice out of a method book. They may then be revisited for reinforcement as needed.

Classical and Flamenco Guitar basic techniques pt. 1: terminology

Classical and Flamenco basic techniques pt2: nails

Classical And flamenco guitar basic techniques pt3: rest stroke

Classical and flamenco guitar basics pt 4: free stroke

Classical and flamenco guitar basics pt 5: rasgueado

Classical and flamenco basics pt 6: left hand


These videos expand on the most basic techniques:

Chromatic scale

Classical and flamenco basics: chords; farruca

Classical and Flamenco guitar: slurs

Flamenco guitar technique: rasgueado patterns

Flamenco guitar technique: my favorite rasgueado pattern

Tone Generation on the Classical and Flamenco Guitar

Intro to Harmonics

Intro to Tremolo (advanced technique)

Julio Sagreras: Las Primeras Lecciones de Guitarra (first lessons for guitar) – the classic method book from the early-mid 20th century, explored in detail line-by line, with the sheet music embedded in the video.

Part 1 – Intro and Lesson 1

Part 2 – Lessons 2-6

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